Privacy Policy

On-Line Ordering

We will hold your on-line order contact information on our customer database. The contact details consist of Name, Address and Email address and phone number, which are used for processing your on-line orders. We do not hold any financial details as we do not request these. Any payment by you is dealt with by Zettle through Payment Links, Direct Bank Transfer or directly with PayPal and as such is covered by the Privacy and Data Protection Policies of Zettle, your bank or PayPal.

You may also create an Account, which as well as holding this data, will also provide you access to your previous orders, current basket and options to amend your personal details. This facility uses double opt-in for sign-ups, where you will be asked to confirm your request for an account.

You may request deletion of your data and account from our database by requesting this at

Mailing List Subscribe

We will add you to a Mailer Lite mailing list to receive our communications, newsletters and special offers, if requested through use of the ‘Newsletter Subscribe’ button or the ‘Subscribe to our Newsletter’ checkbox choice. This uses your provided email address.

Your Name, Email address, Phone and Location are collected and transferred to our Mailer Lite database via our subscribe form for use within our communications. You may withdraw consent or change preferences using the Mailer Lite “unsubscribe” and “preferences” links within the footer of the Newsletter or Communication. You can also request deletion of your data from our Mailer Lite database by requesting this at

Individual Rights

• Right to be forgotten: You may request that we delete all your data without undue delay.
• Right to object: You may prohibit certain data uses as described within this policy.
• Right to rectification: You may request that incomplete data be completed or that incorrect data be corrected. If you have an Account, then amendments can be done through your login.
• Right of access: You may request to know what data about you is being processed and how.

These requests should be made at

Personal Data

Your data is important to us and so we will not pass your contact information onto any third party. If you would like your personal information removed from the database at any time, please let us know, as detailed above.

We will contact you at times to see if all of these details are still correct and to check that you are happy for us to keep your information on our database.

Safeguarding Your Information

We take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the Personal Information.

Accounts require a username and password to log in. You must keep your username and password secure, and never disclose it to a third party. Because the information in your Account is sensitive, account passwords are encrypted, which means we cannot see your passwords. We cannot resend forgotten passwords either. We will only reset them for you if you cannot.

Google Search Console

We use Google Search Console to help understand how our website visitors find our website and to improve our search engine optimisation. Find out more information about how the information may be used, how to control the use of your information, and how to opt-out of having your data used by Google, Here (Opens in a new tab).


We require your consent to use cookies on our sites. Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log and visitor behaviour information. You will have an opportunity to manage your cookie preferences on the sites and will be requested to reconfirm your acceptance on a regular basis. Certain cookies are required to enable core site functionality, and you cannot choose to disable those cookies.

Any questions, please send them to

Terms & Conditions